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What Is Vaper’s Tongue And How Do I Cure It?

Want to know more about vaper’s tongue? We uncover everything you need to know in this article

Vaper’s tongue.

Every e-cigarette user’s worst nightmare.

If you’re still new to the world of vaping, there are many new terms for you to grasp, and there’s no doubt you’re wondering what vaper’s tongue is.

In this post, the experts at Cloudstix explore everything you need to know about vaper’s tongue – including what it is and how you can cure it, but most importantly, how you can avoid it in the first place.

So, what is vaper’s tongue, and how does it happen?

Vaper’s tongue, also known as vaper’s fatigue, is a term that covers taste-related ailments.

The condition causes you to lose the ability to taste your favourite e-juice flavours, often unexpectedly and without warning.

It’s a universal experience in the vaping realm, and most vapers will encounter the phenomenon a handful of times.

Typically, it can last anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days, but some vapers claim their symptoms persisted for well over two weeks.

Causes of vaper’s tongue include:

  • Vaping a flavour for too long
  • Damaged taste buds (from smoking, infections, sour or spicy foods, etc)
  • Dehydration
  • Blocked nose
  • Dry mouth
  • Illness and medicines
  • The shelf life of your e-liquid

Are there ways I can avoid it?

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to avoid vaper’s tongue.

The simplest solution is to change the flavour of your e-liquid, swapping it every so often.

Sometimes, you might need a stronger flavour, like menthol or mint, to rebalance your taste buds.

If you notice your taste changing or disappearing, puff on these strong flavours for a little while to bring it back.

Using a strong, alcohol-free mouthwash will also do the trick if you’re wanting to lay off your vape for a while.

You can also try drinking more water, to help cleanse your palate and prevent mouth dryness, or sucking on a lemon to reset your tastebuds completely.

I think I have vaper’s tongue; how do I get rid of it?

If you’ve unexpectedly lost your taste, your favourite flavours are starting to taste odd, or you have the sensation of a thick coating on your tongue, then you’re most likely suffering from vaper’s fatigue.

Not to worry, though. There are lots of things you can do to solve the issue and make the experience much less unpleasant – including:

  • Cutting back on caffeine and alcohol
  • Taking longer breaks in between vapes
  • Cleaning your tongue
  • Stopping smoking

If your symptoms persist after trying all this, and for longer than two weeks, you should seek professional medical advice and treatments.

Discover your next favourite e-liquid at Cloudstix!

Remember, it’s important to have a couple of different e-liquids on the go to help you avoid the dreaded vaper’s tongue.

If you’re on the hunt for a new juice to add to your rotation, you’re sure to find the perfect one here at Cloudstix.

From a selection of some of the most renowned names in the vaping industry, including Shake House and Steep Lyfe Vape, we have something to suit all tastebuds – check out our collection today!

If you have any questions or concerns about vaper’s tongue, be sure to get in touch.

Give us a call on 0345 257 6544 or send your query by email to support@cloudstix.com for a speedy response from one of our experts.

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