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The truth about Vaping

There’s no denying that these are very uncertain times that we find ourselves. And we’ve all been relying on the media and news bulletins more than ever before.

We can bet you’ve read plenty of articles about how vaping is bad for you and vaping should be banned – especially before COVID-19 started to take its toll. But should we believe everything that we hear and read in the press?

The truth is, mainstream media always attack vaping and a lot of anti-vaping campaigns are based on a mountain of misinformation and lies.

However; the chairman of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes, recently released a video as part of his latest project podcast, ‘What’s Ahead’ – tackling the campaign against electronic cigarettes.

In today’s article, we’re looking at the truth about vaping – including what Forbes has to say on the topic. So, stick around for an insight into how vaping really compares with tobacco smoking.

Vaping Vs Smoking

Both smoking and vaping deliver nicotine, but the difference is cigarettes provide nicotine by burning tobacco which can cause smoking-related illnesses, such as heart disease, lung disease, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Meanwhile, vaping delivers it by heating an e-liquid in a less harmful way.

In smoking, the amount of nicotine you inhale is fixed and typically depends on how many cigarettes you smoke per day. However, e-liquids are supplied in a wide range of nicotine strengths – including high, medium, low and nicotine-free – meaning you can effectively control your nicotine intake.

Although vaping isn’t the same as smoking, it provides similar sensations. Many people find it helps them to quit their bad habit as it replicates the hand-to-mouth action that they are familiar with.

Aside from the initial set-up (i.e. buying an electronic cigarette and all the essential parts that come with it), vaping costs a lot less than smoking. In fact, studies show that there are huge savings to be enjoyed by switching to vaping!

Should electronic cigarettes be banned?

No! anti-vaping campaigners have already persuaded countless people in the USA that e-cigarettes are as dangerous as, if not more than, traditional tobacco products.

However, by discouraging smokers to put down their harmful cigarettes and switch to vaping, such authorities are consigning hundreds of thousands of premature deaths each year.

Steve Forbes reckons vaping should be encouraged for cigarette smokers as it’s the safest, most-effective alternative to tobacco smoking, and we would have to agree.

Does vaping increase the risk of teenage smokers?

The short answer is no.

Although anti-vapers in America point the finger at the increase of teenage vapers in recent years – implying that it leads them to smoke, this isn’t the case.

The rate of teenage smokers in the US has dropped from 16% to below 6% in the last decade.

Is vaping safer than smoking?

Let’s start with smoking.

Tobacco smoke contains thousands of chemicals, including carcinogens which can lead to cancer. It causes damage to the lungs and airways and even harms the immune system – reducing your ability to fight off infection, like coronavirus which is a respiratory viral infection.

There is strong evidence to suggest that smoking tobacco can increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 and other respiratory infections. However, people who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at risk too – especially children as their airways, lungs and immune systems are less developed.

E-cigarettes, on the other hand, are considered a healthier alternative and an effective stop smoking aid. Although they aren’t exactly ‘risk-free’, there are no deadly substances, like the ones you find in tobacco cigarettes, and they let users control their nicotine intake.

Public Health England and the Royal College of Physicians agree that vaping is (at least!) 95% safer than smoking. With such a strong consensus in the UK, Forbes questions why so many US researchers are reluctant to make any official declaration and strongly believes America should inhale the healthy example of Britain!

Should you switch to vaping?

Ok, so both smoking and vaping have side effects and risks. But here we look at the pros and cons of vaping:


  • No tobacco
  • No combustion
  • No smell of smoke
  • No second-hand smoke
  • Variety of nicotine levels available
  • Products and technologies to suit all users
  • An assortment of delicious e-liquid flavours
  • Cost-effective alternative to smoking


  • Contains nicotine which is addictive
  • Allergies
  • Some devices are more complicated to use than others
  • Side effects often include dry mouth

As you can see; the positives outweigh the negatives, so it’s probably best you take everything you read about vaping in the media with a pinch of salt.

If you want to quit smoking, and would like to know a little bit more about vaping before you make your mind up, feel free to get in touch with Cloudstix.

We are a leading retailer of e-cigarettes and e-liquids, so have an extensive range of top-quality products to choose from, but can also offer expert advice. Our team has unrivalled knowledge of all the products available and will happily advise on the best hardware or e-liquids to keep your smoking habits at bay. Just give us a call on 0345 257 6544 or drop us an email at support@cloudstix.com, and we’ll get back to you.

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