Molicel 21700
Molicel 21700 Battery P42a
The Molicel 21700 Battery has received the ultimate reviews from single, dual and Mech mod users all over the globe.
Please make sure your device is compatible with 21700 batteries.
The Molicel P42A is a high level 21700 cell fully approved for use in vaping.
All Molicel 21700 cells come in a free safety tube protecting your cells and you.
Lets look at the spec data
- Size: 21700
- Positive Terminal: Flat Top
- Capacity: 4200mAh
- Max. Discharge Rate: 30A (Rated by Mooch)
- Pulse: We do not offer pulse ratings as there is currently no industry standard.
- Manufacturer: Moli Energy Corp. (Supplied by NPE)
- Model: P42A